Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Hello everyone! 
 Hope you had an amazing holiday.  
I have the hardest time working with
the color orange.  I don't know what it is but,
orange and I just don't get along.  On today's card
I decided to make orange the predominant color.  
I also cased this card from my friend Cassie.
I used a Fiskar's corner rounder and removed
the corner guides to punch the bottom borders.
The ribbon is from Big Lots, 
a couple of straight pins from Joann's, and 
some buttons from my stash.
Thanks for stopping by.  
Lots of people are checking in but,
I wish more of you would say,"Hello!"
Hugs for now,


  1. I used to not like the color orange, but I am really loving it now. I am getting into the retro colors. Also, it reminds me of one of the autumn colors.

    Very cute card
